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WSSC Presses on in Ward 4, and Other Matters

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§ WSSC Presses on in Ward 4, and Other Matters

By Chris Davis

WSSC, undertaking an ambitious water main and sewer replacement project throughout Ward 4, is nearing completion of the work currently under way. After repeated requests from the town, the company released the schedule for a portion of the remaining fall work to us in late September. Work on the heavily traveled Queensbury Road and in the Town Center parking lot should begin at the beginning of October and last for about 4 weeks, weather permitting. On Thursdays, as parking in the area becomes even more scarce, residents are asked to walk to the Farmer's Market instead of driving.

Residents may notice temporary patches on the streets and sidewalks; these are scheduled to be replaced with upgraded materials next spring. The town is still negotiating with WSSC about the repaving schedule.

All work is expected to end November 5, to resume next spring. The first new project scheduled for March is West Beale Circle; the town is also pursuing storm drain replacement for the same time frame.

In a related vein, the 6200 block of 44th Avenue was selected at the September legislative meeting as the CDBG project for next year. If our application is approved, every sidewalk, driveway apron, curb, and gutter will be replaced, and a new underlayment will be constructed. The street, originally scheduled to be part of the infrastructure work funded from Phase II of the street repair special assessment, was recently discovered to be in far graver condition that expected. Given the town's current financial condition, applying for the CDBG grant may ensure faster completion of the project.

As many of you know, in late June a car smashed into the side of my house at 4508 Sheridan Street, causing severe damage to the foundation (it looks far worse on the inside). While reconstruction is under way, the house must be vacated, as all of the utility hookups must be disconnected. For the next few weeks I will be living in town nearby with a relative and checking my home phone each day. To reach me quickly, during the day please leave a message at the Town Hall, 301-927-6381, and the staff will call me at work. In the evening, please try my cell phone, 301-367-9238. I expect to be back home before Halloween to greet our trick-or-treaters.

For some good news, I have reviewed the draft reports of the proposed historic districts in Riverdale Park. In the next few months, public meetings will be held on the topic. The town has applied for a National Historic District, which has few rules and many benefits, including an expanded tax rebate plan. Our neighbors in University Park, Hyattsville, and Mt. Rainier already have National Register Districts, and Ward 4 will feature prominently in Riverdale Park's, if we wish.

Finally, on behalf of the ward, and indeed the entire town, we extend our condolences to our neighbors in University Park, who lost several of their own in the recent terrorist attacks. Our thoughts and prayers go with them.

Chris Davis is the councilperson for Ward 4.

Tot lot dedication

County Councilmember Tom Hendershot addresses residents of Madison Hill during dedication of Tot Lot on Silk Tree Drive.

This page was last changed on Sunday, September 30, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5724 times.