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Council Actions for September 2002

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Following is a summary of council actions taken at the July 1 and August 5 regular legislative sessions. Absences, abstentions, and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session July 1, 2002

  1. Tabled resolution of support for Heritage Carnival Festival until August legislative session.
  2. Approved a six-foot privacy fence at 4721 Riverdale Rd.
  3. Approved a five-foot variance and fence at 6106 54th Ave.
  4. Approved motion to authorize permit parking on the 5000 block of Nicholson St., the 5000 block of Riverside Dr. and no parking at anytime on the south side of Riverside Dr.
  5. Approved motion to establish permit parking at 6105 54th Ave.
  6. Approved motion for establishment of an additional street light across from 4908 Queensbury Rd.
  7. Approved motion to return funds held by Town in an account under Lissa Scott's name. CM C. Davis abstained.
  8. Approved motion to approve the sole source contract for WSSC Phase I to G&C Consultants in an amount not to exceed $27,850.
  9. Approved motion to approve the contract to VMP Construction for an amount not to exceed $150,000 for concrete work and WSSC's Phase I project work minus the limitations based on the measurements by Mr. Houser.
  10. Passed motion to accept new committee assignments passed: CM W. Davis-Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, member of the Legislative Committee and the Economic Development Committee, and CM Hart-member of the Finance Committee, Chairman of the Legislative Committee and member of the Community Affairs Committee.
  11. Passed motion to table the matter of setting rules regarding councilmembers contributing their salaries until the August legislative session.

Regular Legislative Session August 5, 2002

  1. Approve motion to appoint Tina Davis, Queensbury Rd. and J.D. DiMatteo, Somerset Rd. to the Recreation Board.
  2. Approved motions for six-foot privacy fences at 5301 Powhattan Rd. and 4909 Riverdale Rd.
  3. Approved motion that the Town send a letter requesting the Board of Zoning Appeals defer action on the lot coverage variance request for 5603 Silk Tree Dr. until homeowners have had the opportunity to comply with application process of their homeowners association.
  4. Approved motion for street closure for August 17 for block party for the 5300 block of Powhattan Rd.
  5. Approved motion that the Heritage Carnival should be delayed and the Town does not participate in the Heritage Carnival this year. Passed 4-2. CM Feldberg and CM Hart opposed.
  6. Passed motion to support 24-hour operation of the Exxon on the corner of Queensbury Rd. and Route 1 on a 90-day trial period to begin August 6, 2002 and end on October 31, 2002. The second island closest to Riverdale Rd. will be non-operational and the convenience store will be closed to patrons between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
  7. Passed motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Potomac Development Corp. and the Town for the construction of an Eckerd store. Passed 5-1. CM Hart opposed.
  8. Introduced Ordinance Resolution 2002-OR-3 concerning sale of land parcel at intersection of Route 1 and East West Hwy. (See front page.)
  9. Motion to eliminate council work sessions failed. Vote 4-1. CM Tiberio opposed. CM Almirez was no longer in attendance for vote.
  10. Passed motion to change the work session date from the last Monday of the month to the third Monday of the month for a three- month period (August, September and October). Passed 3-2. CM Tiberio and CM C. Davis opposed. CM Almirez was no longer in attendance for vote.
  11. Passed motion to change the date of the September work session from September 16, 2002 to September 17, 2002 due to Yom Kippur. Passed 4-1. CM C. Davis opposed. CM Almirez was no longer in attendance for vote.
  12. Motion to approve borrowing an additional $11,000 to cover the shortfall for the purchase of Public Works vehicles failed 3-2. CM Tiberio and CM C. Davis opposed. CM Almirez was no longer in attendance for vote.
  13. Motion to approve purchase for only two leaf machines and one light duty truck failed 3-2. CM Hart and CM Feldberg opposed. CM Almirez was no longer in attendance for vote.

This page was last changed on Saturday, November 16, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5131 times.